Monthly Archives: November, 2009

The Destruction of Christianity through Diversity and Political Correctness

On my last blog I talked about “Diversity and misunderstood political Correctness” ( Bottom Line of my last blog was the social political aspect and the reference to the Fort Hood shooting and the KSM trials.

Today I want to go a step further and point out the religious aspect of that endangerment – The destruction of Christianity from within, through mainstream Media as well as Liberal propaganda and teachings such as Diversity and the resulting political correctness.

Today every downfall of Christian morality will be explained by the mainstream Media with the fact that we live in the 21st Century and that modern Times have new changes.

The GOP needed 40 years to finally change their insurance company – the one they had for the last 40 years supported abortion.

Ladies and Gentlemen – it took you long enough to listen to your voters, the conservative Christians.

And you wonder why registered Republicans like me walk off and become independent Christian Conservatives?

In the wake of the Switzerland referendum to prohibit Muslim Minarets, the Muslim world goes ballistic. This is shaking the entire European world.

While ultra conservative right wing parties applaud; Christian conservative parties (the equivalent to the Republicans) practice their political correct statements and betray us with their lip service, and the usual self proclaimed humanitarians and leftwing liberals complain and cry.

Muslims, like any other minority, recognizes very fast that all it takes to force their will on a government is to use the words “Discrimination” and “Racism”. And Politicians give in, even if that means they have to abate the rights and heritage of their own countrymen and voters.

But was the referendum of the Swiss people really prejudice or was it just a message to the politicians? Who, of course, are as deaf as it gets.

The message would be: Enough is enough with Diversity and Political Correctness at the expense of our Religious Christian Heritage.

At the beginning of November the European Court of Human Rights ruled on behalf of an atheist woman. She claimed that “the crucifix is harming her 2 children who have to endure gazing upon religious symbols” ( ).

The ruling was that all crucifixes have to be removed from the classrooms in public schools.

Christian Cruzifix

Though this case was in Italy, the home and stronghold of the Catholic Church and Christianity, the entire case has symbolic character of what is going on in the world; And this problem is not only a European problem, but this too is already going on in our own backyard at home in the United States.

Imagine – if that can happen in the motherland of the Catholics – what can they do here in America with Obama as a supporter?

Fact is: 86% of the Americans are Christians. The remaining numbers are other religions, and atheists.

Countries like Turkey, Egypt, and all the other Muslims countries, except Syria, have an ongoing history in Persecution of Christians.

Daily Terror against Christians, Christian churches, Christian facilities, and Christian Missionaries are well accepted. Muslim Countries have no problem publically prohibiting the building of Christian churches. In Egypt Christians have to hide in so called secret Ghettos and live in fear of persecution.

Have you ever tried to look critically at the teachings of Mohammed? Thousands of Muslim will protest on the streets, burn the American Flag, and offer a bounty for your head.

Obama had nothing better to do than travel to those exact countries, apologizing for our Christian existence, bowing his head and declaring that America is no longer a Christian Country, and together with the European liberals practice excessive Diversity to make them feel welcome.

The very same Muslims immigrate to Europe, the USA, and every other western Christian country, not to assimilate but to infiltrate; assisted by left wing liberals and self proclaimed Humanitarians, to make sure the guest country has to adapt to them.

They use the favorableness of the hour to act as misunderstood victims of racism and do what they are supposed to do – bring the teachings of Mohammed in the world and convert as many as possible.

Together with those self-proclaimed humanitarians, atheists and liberals they demand that “Merry Christmas” should be changed to “Happy Holidays”, and they complain about our Easter celebration, while Muslims demand that teachers in Europe wear a head cloth because open hair offends their Muslim believes and so on.

But do they ask if I, as a Christian in a Christian Country feel insulted by holidays such as Hanukkah, EID (Eid ul-Adha Muslim “Festival of Sacrifice”, marking the end of Ramadan) or any other foreign “Religious Holiday forced on me?

Have those individuals ever thought that they are guests in our country? That America is very well built on Christianity and Christian Values?

So you still think the ruling in Switzerland was because Swiss people have turned into racists overnight? I doubt that. I like to think that this was a message, and the message is clear, and we as Christian Americans should also be sending the same message.

God Bless America

Welcome to our country, feel free, safe and welcomed. Celebrate your Religion as you see fit. However, we demand you learn our language, respect our laws and way of life, and accept that this is our country and our heritage is Christian. We do not persecute you, mistreat you, or downsize you; we just demand you respect us.

You cannot expect us to make you feel welcome and liked if you and your supporters demand us to give up our Heritage and Religious Beliefs and debate our rights. 

“The price of greatness is responsibility”
~Winston Churchill~

Diversity and Misunderstood Political Correctness

Disgusted I heard the irresponsible arguments with whom Attorney General Holder defends his determination to trial the 9/11 Masterminds in NY. I read the great article by Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post on 11/20/2009 “Travesty in New York” ( ).

The icing on the cake for me was when the defense attorneys for those sub humans announced that the defendants will speak in court for themselves, addressing the jury and all New Yorkers. So, while working on more than 3 posts at the same time and reading thousands of tweets, blog posts, and short messages circling the internet I started asking myself – does the world need another blog pounding on the same topic? My answer to myself was no – not right now.

After reading an article about “Diversity,” written by the wonderful and talented Ann Coulter, a woman I admire more than any other political columnist, ( ) I finally found the inspiration I needed.

The theory of “Diversity” began in the late 1960’s as a Grassroots Movement based on the combination of black civil rights activism and woman’s rights activism. The first highlight was in the late 70’s when based on this theory and with lobbyism through civil right activist they pushed the “Discrimination Act” through. Later in 2002 Homosexuals were included and the “Hate Crime Bill” was announced; and yet this was really nothing new because the real basics of Diversity were already mentioned in the bill of rights:

Pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

~Virginia declaration of Right~

~June 12, 1776~

But there is a problem with the modern day use of Diversity and the resulting Political correctness.

The Theory of Diversity has its law and rightful place in modern day society and as an international operating businessman I know very well the practical use of it.

But injudicious and overzealous laws including their sidekicks such as “Affirmative Action Laws”, “Quote regulations,” and others are subject to actually producing prejudice feelings, anger and hatred.

It is wrong when the rights for minorities are made at the price to abate the rights of those who disagree and build the majority, and take away the majorities’ rights of freedom to choose, freedom of speech, freedom to disagree, and on top of it, criminalize those who oppose or have their own opinion. Where then is the equality?

For Example: Questioning and opposing quote regulations and undeserved “redistributions to Ghetto and Gang neighborhoods would qualify me as a racist. (A blog post to this topic is coming soon).

This country was built by Christians and Christian Values, and yet Christianity is silenced through and by mainstream media under the cover of modern lifestyles and the government in order not to offend: homosexuals, atheists, or religions minorities, especially Muslims.

While on the same page radical Muslims spread their hatred against America and the American lifestyle under the safety of the Constitutional right of free speech.

This has gone way too far when The President of the United States (Obama) declares in a press conference, during a visit to a foreign country, “America is no longer a Christian Nation”.

There are good and bad people no matter if we’re talking about a race or a religion. There are modern liberal Imams and there are hate preachers.

God forbid if we want to investigate a hate preacher; immediately self-proclaimed humanitarians, civil rights activists, and other grassroots organizations will start screaming their lungs out talking about discrimination, racism, and religious profiling. And the accused just blow the same horn building their own defense based on racism before they are even indicted.

Political Correctness, a child of Diversity, is in fact just another phrase to take away freedom of speech and prohibit Americans to call things by their real names.

Maj. Hasan, the alleged Fort Hood shooter, was noticeable in his conduct, well known for his beliefs and his opposition to the American involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, and several of his colleagues had reported his strange behavior.

Malik Hasan

Why was he not investigated? Every other American, given a conduct like this would have been subject to at least a closer look by Homeland Security and/or FBI.

Was it because of the fear that self-proclaimed humanitarians, civil rights activists, Muslim activists, and other friends of Obama’s grassroots administration could accuse the investigators of racial and religious profiling?

The liberals have no problem castrating the rights of Conservative Americans who exercise their rights of free speech, but their speech has, is, and always will remain “untouchable”!

What is going to happen at the 9/11 trial? 

Are the attorney’s going to drag out the case? How are they picking the jury? Are they going to make sure that there are no members of the Jewish community on the jury in order to avoid possible prejudice? Or is the opposite true: “Terrorists” being given an audience so they can insult the Judeo-Christian ethic. In this case the appeals after conviction on prejudice grounds are practically imminent.

If a partial Muslim jury is demanded will the same rules and regulations apply to them?  For example, would they receive a thorough background check without the liberal media once again screaming, “This is racial profiling”?

These are reasonable questions, as Ann Coulter says, “At the End of the Day, Diversity Has Jumped the Shark”.  The basic premise of Diversity is accurate but the application of Diversity is inaccurate. 

This causes citizens to lose their religious, historical, ethical and moral inheritance.

Group Sex on Gossip Girl – the Liberal indoctrination to unmoral lifestyle

Yes you all are reading right, for a change my Blog post has nothing directly to do with Obama and how he destroys America but with something as ordinary as a TV Show. And still it is worth to talk about and think about.

Hollywood is known for its liberality to the extent of profanity. That is nothing surprising to me since Hollywood actors would have a hard time to stand up for moral Christian values while at the same time their lifestyle speaks another language. They sleep with everybody who is not by three on a tree, having permanent changing partners, swallow, sniff and smoke everything that is illegal,  drink more than my cows on the pasture and go on driving under the influence and when committing accidents using their star status to get free out of jail. And if homosexuality runs out of fashion or the PR manager is advising them they claim bi-sexuality and fool around with men and woman at the same time. Lowlifes like Paris Hilton are promoted as “Role – models”. Lord have mercy.

Hollywood is the new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sex sells and I don’t need to see shows like “Lipstick Jungle” or “Sex and the City”. All I need to do is reading the news papers to know what the main message is: Let’s have fun and sleep around and if we get pregnant lets murder a baby. So far so bad.

Yesterday I read an article from the great writer named Brent Bozell and was shocked. In the CW TV Show “Gossip Girl”, a show mostly watched by teenagers, rated PG 14, on the November 9 Episode the main maxim was “15 things every college student must do before graduating”. Number 11 was having a threesome and they did. On the first air of this episode they showed in HD group sex in all his detail. And Lizzie McGuire a former Disney Star right in the middle.

Gosip Girl

Of course I know that teenagers experiment with physical contacts before marriage, I know that College students do the very same. Not all of them but some. Of course that does not mean I have to agree as well. The message the TV Stations are sending here is another one: Forget morality, forget the intimacy of sex between a loving couple everything is allowed. Two years ago that would have been subject to a major scandal. But now, thanks to the liberals ruling and turning morality and ethics upside down everything is possible.

Truth of the matter is that left wing liberals welcome this sort of inappropriate shows to indoctrinate the youth through TV, Movies and other media on liberal lifestyle and accept unmoral behavior such as Homosexuality, Abortion, unmoral sexual practices and other questionable things. And all that for one reason only – to boost the ratings because while “dancing with the Stars” rates at 16 Million fewer “Gossip Girl is going down in his ratings from an average of 2.6 million fewer last year to 2.36 Million this year. And the lame excuse that this scene will be cut out in the re run – common people how many watch the re run and how many the first air of the show?

If you would like to know more read the following article from Brent Bozell: 

Please help to keep America save. 

© by Tom C. Lehner