Monthly Archives: December, 2010

DADT – The Untold Agenda

This Column is not about gays. What is right or wrong for other people is not for me to decide. I am heterosexual and just like I do not share with anybody my sexual preferences in the bedroom (other than with my spouse) I am not interested in the sexual preferences of others.

  • Just like I reserve the right to say to a heterosexual man: I do not respect that you are going to prostitutes, or you cheat on your wife so please don’t bother me with your “hunting stories”,
  • I reserve the right to say to a gay: Your lifestyle contradicts my ethical, moral, and religious beliefs so please stick to professionalism and don’t bother me with your ideology.

I don’t dislike the man I dislike the lifestyle and that goes for both.

 Since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid pushed, in their very own charming way (with threats and blackmail), the DADT repeal through the House and the Senate and Obama signed off on that thing with a huge and big grin on his face, many blogs and articles have been written about this and the possible why and what for.

I read them all, from all the great minds; From Michelle Malkin to Ann Coulter, from Chuck Norris to Bill O’Rilley. All of their thoughts about DADT are right but for some reason, none of them have come up with what might be the real agenda behind this radical move.

DADT (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell)

Yes DADT is all about gay rights, but more than that, DADT is also the proof that my upcoming book is going to hit the nail right on the head – if WE THE PEOPLE dare to reject an agenda of a minority it will be indoctrinated on us with fascist lethal force wrapped up as law, immediately making “opposition a punishable offense”.

And if that does not help, downsizing opposition as either radicals or insinuate a Mental Illness by the opposition calling them “Homophobe”.


Homo – the genus that includes modern humans. The word is originated from the Latin language, meaning “human being” or “man” (in the gender-neutral sense). (Source – Wikipedia:

Phobia (φόβος,phóbos): This word comes from the Greek language and stands for “fear”, “morbid fear”. Generally used when an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals or people. In psychology a phobia is considered an “Anxiety disorder” (Source – Wikipedia:  

So bottom line: if you dare to disagree with something liberal radical Pundits like the Democrats, Gay-Rights-Activists, Abortion activists, or the ACLU promote such as Homosexuality or Muslims,

80% of the American people do NOT HAVE AN OPINION but a MENTAL DISORDER called Homophobe or Muslimphobe or any other liberal Agenda we might disagree with.

Back to DADT:

Gay rights are a huge agenda and the past years gay activists have lobbied and kept courts on their toes like no other activists group. Alone in the State of California, where over 52% of the Voters (WE THE PEOPLE) decided that Gay’s should not have been considered equal to traditional marriage the Agenda goes back and forth in courts I lost track.  

We the people have spoken and that is to be respected by everybody and should be the end of it.

But not in California; The U.S. District Court ruled on August 4, 2010 in “Perry v. Schwarzenegger” proposition 8 unconstitutional. This ruling hearing starts on December 6, 2010, and is expected to affect all same sex marriage bans in the United States (Source – Wikipedia:

As you can see on the map below, the vast majority of the 50 States rejects or ban same sex marriage.

Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and all the other radical pundits did not want to wait on an uncertain ruling. The plan is pretty simple, by repealing DADT without waiting on the Court Ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court they sent a message to the court and to the people and the message is Clear – WE GET WHAT WE WANT ONE WAY OR THE OHER EVEN IF IT IS THROUGH THE BACKDOOR.

Some blindfolded romantics are going to sit back and think ok, now they can say publically they are gay. But that is not where it’s going to stop. This was just the first step to macerate the antoganism of the public and force indoctrination on the people.


1) DADT repeal is not just about the rights of gay’s to out themselves without punishment. This was only the first step to gain all the rights and benefits of traditional married couples in the United States Armed Forces. Those are:

  • Medical Treatment – every active member and their legally married spouse as well as their children are entitled to full medical and dental coverage on the Military base and have prescription medicine at a lower cost in all drug stores.
  • Tax Free shopping – every military personnel (Uniformed and civilian) with an active ID card is entitled to shop in so called PX Stores, store similar to Wall Mart (you get everything from food to electric to gardening) tax free.
  • The use of Military gyms for military personnel and their family members
  • The use of military amenities for personnel and family members
  • Better travel deals on vacations for military personnel and family members
  • Any many more benefits.  

But those benefits are only available for Military personnel and their legally married spouses and children.

The next step for gay activists will therefore be to fight for equality rights on all of those benefits and the full acceptance on gay marriage.

2) In order to become eligible for those advantages, gays now have to push forward to gain Marriage permissions. What that basically means as of now is civil lawsuits are practically programmed.

FEDERAL INTEREST ABOVE STATE INTEREST. Ever head of this term? Well if you look at the map above the vast majority of the States deny or prohibit same sex marriage, but Military bases are not considered State property.

On military bases State Law does not apply only Federal Law.

That means that through the backdoor not only gay rights have been pushed on us, but also State sovereignty is now being questioned or respectively destroyed.

Should a base be in one of those States that prohibit gay marriage the soldier can always turn to the Military Pastorate. Those have the same authority to perform marriages under federal license. And a military cleric cannot refuse based on religious beliefs because a Military Cleric is not in the first place a priest; he is in the first place a COMMISSIONED OFFICER OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES under the chain of command. And their rules here are clear. The priest has only three choices when being ordered to uphold matrimony: 

  • Apply with the order against his personal beliefs – discrimination
  • Refuse to follow orders – Greetings from the Court-martial and Leavenworth
  • Or resign and give up all benefits, such as pension, VA rights, etc, etc.

And the resistance of the Independent States prohibiting Gay Marriage will probably be even worse now. No State legislation can accept to be double crossed and overrun by radical Washington Pundits. Not if State legislators want to be re-elected.

3) And finally the discrimination of heterosexual members of the Armed Forces. For instance:

  • Showering – if you are a woman knowing I am a heterosexual man, would you just comply when somebody tells you, now you have to shower with me in the same bathroom?

Absolutely not and of course you have every right to protest. You would claim privacy rights, and make it a point that you do not feel comfortable being in the same room with a man, all naked. You would make it a statement that you would constantly feel observed or stalked and your sense of privacy is violated – AGAIN, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ON THAT AND YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT.

But then please tell me: As a heterosexual man or woman, why should a soldier be forced to take a shower with a homosexual or a lesbian? What if it makes the hetero soldier uncomfortable wondering all the time if this person is checking him/her out?

Other than women the representatives of the male population don’t have the same rights. We are automatically downsized and insulted as mentally ill calling us homophobic. This is pure discrimination on our moral, ethical, and religious beliefs.

So how to deal with the situation

On the contrary the scream of Hetero groups to repeal the repeal (what a word wrap) would also be contra productive as well. Many good conservative Christians have gay family members. The damage is done and now we have to deal with it. So here is my suggestion as of what can be done now:

  • Permission for Heterosexual Soldiers to demand their own showers without slandering them or labeling them as mentally Ill (Homophobe) – they have an opinion and beliefs, and not a sickness
  • No gay marriages performed on Military bases unless the United States Supreme Court makes a constitutional amendment on it and declares that rightful under the constitution.
  • Marriages should only apply according to State Law of the Military Base Location.
  • No special Treatment and no access to Married Couple benefits unless Gay marriage is confirmed under the Constitution.

Take the right to outing and be happy with it.

What has DADT repeal done to the Gay movement?

Well, the entire performance was in my opinion the worse thing Obama, Reid, and Pelosi could have done for the Gay’s rights of acceptance.

The entire procedure performed by President B.H. “Adolf Hitler” Obama, Nancy “Eva Brown” Pelosi, and Harry “Joseph Goebbels” Reid in Corporation with the “Nazi Propaganda ministry” ACLU and other radical Left wing pundits has totally set back the efforts of the gays who are looking for final acceptance.

This country has been built by men and women who started a war against a totalitarian oppressing king because of his attempts to force his will on them.

Do civil rights activists really think now in the 21st Century they can do just the same and get away with it?

Do they really think that forcing laws on the people disrespecting and discriminating their free choice by putting them down and insulting them as radicals and mentally ill makes the very same people more accepting of minorities such as gays or Muslims?

If that’s what you think Obama than you ARE DUMBER THAN MUD.

It is the opposite that is true. The more force politicians put on the people, the more insults they start, and the more discrimination against the majority happens the more likely people will stand up, and start another civil war. The word revolution is now used more than ever and we are not far from it.

And the anger among the people is fermenting more and more and it increases on a daily basis because all those forceful lobbying, those provocative self display of alternative lifestyle (Rainbow parades), insults and putting down people of conservative opinions does not make supporters.

And to the gay people out there – before you cheer in victorious exuberance please take a moment and think if this was not more hurtful to your cause than you would like to admit.

Whatever I personally think about this “Alternative Lifestyle” this entire thing has nothing to do with me and my personal beliefs, this has to do with your rights to do in your own bedroom what you feel free to do as long as it is consensual.

But this radical dictatorial act was not the way to gain what you believe you are entitled too.


Christmas in Bethlehem and the failure of the Roman Catholic Church

Despite all of the important topics I have been preparing for a few weeks now to present to all my readers, due to the current Christmas Holiday’s I have decided to go a different path today and write, or better tell you how our Christian brothers and sisters in Bethlehem and other Muslim countries celebrate their Christmas.

Lion & the Lamb

Lion & the Lamb

Oh silent night, Oh holy night
All is calm, all is bright…….

Every Christian in the world knows those words of the one song that is most famous all around the world, the one song that every Christian in the world sings on the day of the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the light

Jesus is the Light

And while we Christians in the so called western Civilization seem to forget more and more, year by year, the true meaning of Christmas and render homage to the shopping insanity, our brothers and sisters in the middle east are left alone and subject to discrimination, attacks, slaughtering, and persecution of the self declared “peaceful Muslims”.

Just to remind you:

If you, as a Christian in a Christian Country like the United States or Europe or anywhere else in the World even dare to closely examine the Muslim religion, criticize their criminal child molesting and self declared prophet Mohammed, Muslims all over the world feel free to file discrimination lawsuits against you, call for Jihad, put a bounty on your head, and riot all over the world. Or just dare to disrespect their holy month called “Ramadan” hell breaks loose in no time at all.

At the same time the very same, well educated, and well spoken representatives of this subhuman Religion do not get tired of appearing on every western American and  European TV and Print media whining about how discriminatory the bad western civilization might be and how peaceful and loving the Muslim religion is – Bullshit. 

Permit me a sidebar for one second; here is a bit of information that you never hear, first, the Koran says that Jesus cannot be worshipped as “deity” and then it also says that when the Muslims messiah comes back (mahdi) that Jesus will be with him as his first lieutenant, so to speak, and his job is to behead all of the Christians and Jews.  There is no “common” ground here and someone ought to be telling it like it really is.      

So here is the second thing, if the Muslim religion is so peaceful how come the Roman Catholic Cardinal of Austria, and other cardinals in Europe, have to lobby their governments to provide asylum Visas for Christian Arabs in Europe because they are “persecuted for religious reasons” and this asylum is granted.

Don’t get me wrong I am happy they are granted and our Christian brothers and sister are safe now, but why do they have to have an Asylum period if Muslims are such humanitarians and such a peaceful religion?

When Religion becomes Politics

Back to the topic:

Bethlehem – sacred place for all Christians in the world – this is where our savior Jesus Christ was born in a manger.

The Star of Bethlehem - Historic site of Jesus Birth

The Star of Bethlehem - Historic site of Jesus Birth

Bethlehem – for those who have ever been there, throughout the year a beautiful spiritual place with the spirit of Jesus surrounding you.

Bethlehem – on Christmas a tinderbox where Christians try to gain the spirit of our savior, the Muslims are busy attacking every Christian possible.

Muslim Riots against Christians

Muslim Riots against Christians

And not only in Bethlehem, also in Jerusalem and other sacred Christian places in Israel. Our Jewish brethren are busy with the attempt to keep the peace right in the middle of flying rocks, bullets, and riots caused by Muslims, and the dormant UN observer is trying to hide, doing what he does best – report to Headquarters and other than that nothing else.

In my previous Blog Column from 2010/12/09 “Turkey and Obama’s secret plan to destroy Christianity” ( I explain exactly how the Muslim infiltration works and I point out that the stronghold and first line of defense in our battle to preserve our Christian heritage is Europe.

But here is the big problem – EUROPE.

We Americans are truly blessed. We have a full freedom of Religion and one might like it or not, but here in the U.S.A. one can worship who and whatever he/she wants, even if it’s a broomstick.

That also counts for Christianity in America. We have many denominations like Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptist (in all their forms), Methodist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Non-denominational Christian Churches, and dozens of other Christian denominations where we feel comfortable in worshipping our Savior Jesus Christ. 

In Europe this is not so easy:

The Roman catholic church has been for, now, 2010 years the leading Christian Church, disrupted only once when German Martin Luther on 31 October of 1517 nailed a protest reformation on a church in Germany breaking with the almighty power and narcissism of the Pope (Source: Wikipedia –  

Ever since then the Roman Catholic Church has been in a constant struggle of power and like the famous cat that runs after her own tale the Catholics in Europe and all over the world are battling their own survival on all the wrong battlefields.

Not only the Roman Catholic Church, but also the modern day Lutheran Church in my humble opinion is making some mistakes. I am going to point out just a few here.

1) Catholics are led as a totalitarian Church, believing that the Pope is the almighty wisdom and speaks directly for God. The word of the Vatican is law and there is no discussion allowed.

2) While Muslim Countries hail their dozens of attempts to conquer the Christian World as heroism, teaching in their schools to annihilate the “Zionists” (Christians and Jews) in order to Muslimze the world, the Roman Catholic Church keeps feeling guilty and apologizing for the Crusades.

3) Plagued by internal scandals, such as criminal misbehavior of Priests, the Catholic Church leadership has not dealt with these issues at there core.  And because they have tried to cover up a lot of it the out come has been disastrous and many parishioners have left the church in anger and frustration.  

Here is the first crux: Just because frustrated Christians leave the Church that does not mean they stop believing in God that just means they are not happy with their church, but those people are totally left alone and this is why:

4) So eager for preserving their power as the leading Christian Church the Roman Catholic Churches in Europe lobby to assure that other denominations are still considered a “Cult”.

For example, in Austria to be recognized as a church one has to go through a screening by the government. And the rules are pretty simple: The new denomination has to be considered significant, different to the already existing Religion. And the Catholics are on this screening board. So when Baptist, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others who believe in the same Bible, they are according to the board of review, not so different from the Catholics (who are on the board) and will therefore be considered a cult.

And since Cults are usually something bad, nobody really wants to be a member of one and so the Christians are again left alone.

The only way for those other denominations to exist is for them to join forces with the Lutheran Evangelicals in a group called “Independent Evangelical Churches”.

Pope Benedict XVI declared in September 2010, that Followers of other Christian denominations are not true Christians (Sources: Google (, the current pope (

These kind of divisive comments drive an ever larger wedge between the Christians in Europe. Instead of uniting them in the battle against Muslim infiltration and protecting Christians all around the world, especially in the Muslim countries; the entire European Christian community is being split… A house divided cannot stand.

5) Last but not least for this Column (sure there would be more to say about that but I leave that up to discussions) – the Roman Catholic Church is actually not a church anymore but a “POLITICAL COUNTRY”; their Archbishops are “Ambassadors”, the Vatican is a country, with its own Status and their Cardinals are political representatives.

And just like any other political Country the Catholics have to adjust to the current mainstream politics in order to be diplomatically accepted. But diplomacy and Religion do not go hand in hand when it comes to cultural differences and taking a stand.

This balancing act between religion and politics is causing the Catholics a lot of creditability issues. On one end they are supposed to promote the Word of God as written in the Bible and follow the decrees of the pope, but on the other end they are supposed to balance it in a form of diversity facing new areas of living.

This entire hullabaloo of ideologies makes the church seem unauthentic to their followers. The repeated public accusations of other denominations being untrue Christians and followers of a cult, are keeping many Catholics out of the pews.

  • Incapacity of flexibility on modern day traditional family life
  • Lack of leadership in scandals
  • Lack of spiritual guidance  
  • Incapacity to Unite and protect Christians…

These are not good leadership skills.

In the battle against Muslimization, Europe will be the first line of defense for Christianity

How can we expect to be able to protect our Christian Brothers and Sisters in Muslim Countries assuring their right to worship our Savior Jesus Christ if we are not even capable of defending our Homeland and Christian Strongholds?

The one church, who claims the exclusive right to protect them, is not capable of uniting all Christians. Instead they’d rather focus on keeping their power because of their jealously of other denominations.

Just a small excerpt from 2010:

  • 46 Christian’s dead in Iraq, murdered dead and nobody prosecuted.
  • The Turkey Archbishop Luigi Padovese stabbed 8 times in the heart, refused help and than beheaded by a Muslim with the words “Allah et Akbar”, nobody prosecuted.  
  • A Somali Girl murdered for Converting to Christianity, nobody prosecuted.
  • Christians in Muslim Countries have to file for political Asylum all over the world because they are persecuted in their own countries for being Christians.

And the Catholic Church is silent, does not scream out in anguish, and does not use their political Status and lobby politicians of other countries including the UN to condemn this behavior by Muslims.

No, the Catholic Church who actually would have the power to unite all Christians preach diversity, act in “tolerance romanticism” and wonder why so many of their followers leave the church in frustration.

“God Almighty in his Power and Glory is amazing and Jesus is truly our Savior, but His representatives need some fixing”.

So if you read this blog and get the impression I am hitting on Catholics as followers – definitely no.

I like to see this column as a warning to the catholic Leadership (not that they really care). As a warning that if we do not unite NOW and start accepting each other, despite all differences, as what we are, faithful followers of Christ, and Unite under 1 cross and 1 Savior Jesus Christ, we all are doomed and soon will live in a Muslim world.